Partner: NW London ICB

In December ‘23 ICHP launched a Call in partnership with NW London ICB for applications from local health and social care providers to become the first Implementation Sites for Mission 2: enabling more days at home. The Call was positioned as a unique opportunity to receive dedicated support to test cutting-edge innovations to address the three identified opportunity areas, the context of these helping to identify the target audience:
- Predictive long length of stay (LoS): Acute Trust ward or elective care specialty team
- Discharge coordination optimisation: Discharge Hubs
- Frailty urgent and emergency care (UEC) demand prevention: Borough Based Partnerships
A total of 11 applications were received and following formal conversations with each prospective site to ensure alignment with the Mission innovation opportunities, the following were selected as the Mission’s wave one Implementation Sites:
- Ealing Borough Based Partnership (BBP)
- Imperial College Healthcare Trust (Integrated Care Directorate)
- The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS FT (Transformation & Improvement and Unplanned Care Teams)
- Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS FT (Discharge Teams)
- Tri-borough Adult Social Care (ASC) Hospital Discharge Teams