Download the poster Author: Orlowski A, Wilkins J, Kayes O. Imperial College Health Partners, London, United Kingdom, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, Leeds, United Kingdom Date of publication: May 2018 Key conculsions Durability of the treatment is similar for TURP and PUL, but the postoperative complication and medical re-treatment profiles differ PUL is associated with very...Read More
Our external bulletin, Snapshot, contains the latest news, views and events from Imperial College Health Partners and is delivered for free, every month, to registered subscribers. This month our ICHP Snapshot brings you news of the AHSNs being relicensed by NHS England for another five years, London’s successful Local and Health Care Record Exemplar bid, our Global Investor...Read More
A recent Industry Learning Lab event held by ICHP provided essential guidance on the preparation needed for a successful application to the NHS’s Innovation and Technology Payment (ITP) programme. The programme identifies and funds innovative medical devices, digital platforms and technologies and aims to achieve the most cost-effective and wide-reaching impact on patient care while...Read More
ICHP today welcomes the news that NHS England has committed to the long term future of England’s Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs), as part of a 10-year vision to drive health innovation and stimulate economic growth. Today’s (24 May) NHS England Board meeting formally approved a new five year licence for the 15 AHSNs, with...Read More
One London has been selected by NHS England to become one the first Local Health and Care Record Exemplars (LHCRE), with the goal of reducing unnecessary patient tests and improving safety through better working between hospitals, GPs and social care. ICHP will be working with the One London team to support this work over the...Read More
Karen Janody, rb&hArts programme Curator at the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, recently took part in our ‘Practical Course for Innovation Adoption in Health Care Settings’ course, ran in partnership with Bucks New University. In his blog she talks about how the course helped her to plan and implement her project to create a...Read More
Imperial College Health Partners (ICHP) has evaluated a new kind of surgery for prostate enlargement, finding that it could potentially save the NHS millions of pounds a year in complication-related costs. The evaluation found that replacing traditional surgery for benign prostatic enlargement involving tissue removal, with a minimally invasive treatment that uses implants and avoids...Read More
Matt Cooper, ICHP Innovation Advisor, discusses how his experience has prompted him to increase his engagement in his local community… (This article first appeared in the On Purpose blog, on Thursday 10 May 2018) “How engaged am I as a citizen?” “What sort of social impact am I having in my local area, and could...Read More
Andi Orlowski Head of Business Intelligence, explains how ICHP’s advanced work on population health helps partners truly understand their local communities. Understanding a local population is crucial for anyone working in an integrated care system, planning new interventions or new care models, or looking for the best ways to close the gap on health inequalities...Read More