We have today published a joint briefing paper with Wessex AHSN, which sets out how we have both developed new, integrated care pathways for mental health that prescribe time frames around clinical interventions and service delivery. The work has take a similar approach to that taken to improve stroke care, where there has been a...Read More
Academic Health Science Networks call for a national debate to address issues preventing innovation diffusion at scale Diffusion of innovation across the NHS at pace and scale remains a difficult nut to crack, yet one that must be urgently addressed if we are to collectively tackle the big challenges faced by the NHS over the...Read More
Making the NHS an attractive market place for industry to do business in is a priority for all Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs). However, the barriers causing it to lag behind other systems are complex. Therefore, in order to develop a sustainable strategy to address these barriers, we need to have both a sophisticated understanding...Read More
Imperial College Health Partners has now produced its second annual report for 2014/15. Click on the image below to view the report immediately. Otherwise, right click and press ‘Save Link As…’ to download the report. First published: 29 May 2015 The report gives a comprehensive overview of the work of Imperial College Health Partners, our...Read More