We are delighted to announce that the London Asthma Decision Support tool (LADS) – a collaboration between North West London Integrated Care System (ICS), South East London ICS, Imperial College Health Partners, Imperial College London, and Vizify – was highly commended in the Data-Driven Transformation Award at the 2023 HSJ Awards.
The LADS tool brings together air pollution, demographic and social deprivation data with routinely collected NHS data for the first time ever. Linking data in this way not only allows clinical teams to intervene much earlier in the patient pathway and improve outcomes, but also to focus on identifying and investigating areas of health inequity across the capital. This tool is built on the whole systems integrated care (WSIC) platform and maximised the capabilities of the linked, longitudinal data to take a population health management approach.
It was funded with £250,000 as a pathfinder project for the London Health Data Strategy to look at what could be achieved if data was combined across more than one health system in London, with the money contributed from acute trusts and universities across London and NHS England.
Dr Sarah Elkin, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Imperial College Healthcare Trust & Co- Clinical Director of the London Respiratory Clinical Network said: “It’s fantastic for this project to have been recognised as a real success story at the HSJ Awards 2023. With the potential to improve experience and outcomes and tackle health inequalities in asthma care, we’re thrilled to have had the opportunity to share our learnings and success – particularly as we hope to be able to extend the use of this tool across London. We are incredibly proud to have received the highly commended award when competing with such brilliant projects from across the UK.”
Dr Irem Patel, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at King’s College Hospital NHS Trust & Co- Clinical Director of the London Respiratory Clinical Network said: “I am really delighted that our collaborative asthma project across NW and SE London has been highly commended at the HSJ awards. This is a great tool which enables insight and action for improved whole person asthma care at population level, and has great potential for London. I am very grateful to my fantastic colleagues in NW and SE London, Imperial Partners and Vizify for their hard work and commitment in getting us to this position”.
The HSJ Awards are recognised amongst the most esteemed accolade of healthcare service excellence in the UK. The aim of the awards is to shine a light on the outstanding efforts and achievements delivered by health and care teams nationally.
Congratulations to all this year’s nominees and winners (you can see the full list here).
Learn more about our highly commended project, the London Asthma Decision Support tool here.