Increase your chances of success with the NHS ITP programme
Imperial College Health Partners are excited to be hosting their first Industry Learning Lab focusing on The Innovation and Technology Payment with Kathy Scott, Deputy Director of Innovation, NHS England, will be sharing her expertise on the on the Innovation Technology Payment (ITP) programme.
The attendees will gain unique insight from Kathy Scott sharing her knowledge and outlining the requirements for a successful submission to the NHS ITP programme. They will also hear more about the level of support that the Academic Health Science Network, including the highly regarded data skill set that ICHP can offer applicants.
The NHS ITP programme identifies and funds innovative medical devices, digital platforms and technologies. Its aim is to achieve the most cost-effective and wide-reaching impact on patient care while maximising learning from the programme and fostering culture change. The first successful technologies as a result from the original programme were launched in April this year and include advanced software that creates a 3D model of coronary arteries, a new type of MRSA-resistant surgical suture, a new ‘bowel scope’ for examining patients with bowel cancer and a device that secures catheters to reduce infections.
Those wishing to submit an innovation to next year’s ITP programme must do so by September 2018. If successful, they will be directly funded by NHS England and made available to NHS organisations for one year from April 2019, after which the support will be reviewed.
To register your place to attend this event please email the ICHP Business Intelligence Team
Thursday 10 May 2018
10:00 – 13:30 (Lunch will be provided)
Venue: Imperial College Health Partners Offices, 30 Euston Square, London NW1 2FB
Attendees can expect to hear more about:
What real world data is available?
How can industry access this data?
What is the ITP application criteria?
What does the ITP application process involve?
What a successful application contain?
The real world data is required for the application?
The real world data is required to measure impact post ITP?
How ICHP can help with the ITP application?
There will also be time for networking and a demonstration to the real-world database AXON 360 will be made available by Harvey Walsh Ltd.