Candice Roufosse, Clinical Reader in Renal Pathology within the Centre for Inflammatory Diseases, Department Immunology and Inflammation at Imperial College London shares her experience of engaging the public in early-stage health transformation research and shares her learning around some of the common pre-conceptions about patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE). When I first embarked...Read More
Adam Ashworth, Innovation Lead, discusses how we're collaborating across the NWL health system to reduce the number of people waiting for a colonoscopy.Read More
Sarah Stephens, Senior Innovation Advisor, reflects on how improvements in maternity and neonatal services can only happen if we take the time to reflect and share good practice, as well as address the learnings.Read More
by Axel Heitmueller, Managing Director Innovation takes time and headspace, so whilst our brilliant frontline colleagues focus on the immediate firefighting, it is important that those of us with the capacity, capabilities and remit to keep implementing new ideas, testing new solutions and making more use of the data available to us, so that come...Read More
By Clare Thomson, Innovation Lead Often innovation gets mistaken for invention in healthcare, where transformation is rarely about coming up with something completely new. Instead, it’s about looking at a problem differently and working together in a different way to deliver something simpler, more efficient, more effective for all. Our recent work on the post-Covid...Read More
The inaugural winners have been named in the new awards from the AHSN Network and NHS Confederation, following an award ceremony attended by almost 400 NHS leaders, innovators and partners.Read More
Adoma Adjei and Fisayo Banjoko reflect on their time at Imperial College Health Partners over the summer as part of Health Data Research UK’s Black Internship Programme. Data Science in Health is a rapidly expanding field with a high demand for experienced and motivated individuals. There is currently a large underrepresentation of Black people within this sector...Read More
The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) – an NHS England initiative delivered in partnership with England’s 15 Academic Health Science Networks and the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) now in it’s eighth year – has launched its latest call for applications for its 2023 cohort. The NIA presents a fantastic opportunity for innovators with proven health solutions...Read More
Today, as part of a key partner of the Networked Data Lab, we have published a new satellite analysis report [LINK] on the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of children and young people.Read More