Tessa Awe

Former Chief Executive, Brent Council for Voluntary Services


Tessa Awe was born in Belize, completed a post-graduate degree in Educational Technology and a Master’s Diploma in Change Management in Canada. Immediately after university she worked in the NGO sector leading a diverse range of projects to improve the lives of the most vulnerable.

After relocating to the UK, she has been working strategically with organisations and communities in the UK and is currently the Chief Executive of an Infrastructure Body. She is heavily involved in patient and public engagement, partnership working with local government, funders and NHS trusts across West London. In addition to her many commitments she also sits on the board of the London Voluntary Service Council and several steering groups ranging from self-care to community safety.

Contact Tessa

Phone : (1)-1234-4444
Email : Contact@GoodLayers.com

Tessa's Projects

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