We are excited to launch the Population Health Learning Lab programme for 2019.
The purpose of the labs are to bring together the diverse range of people working across health and social care, whose focus is on providing more person-centred coordinated care, crossing healthcare, local government and the voluntary sector. The needs and experience of individuals, carers and families are thereby placed at the centre of how services are organised and delivered, with our programme aiming to cover some key themes and topics on how to make this happen.
One of the most satisfying areas of our work is to provide a collective space for integrated care practitioners to network, learn and grow together. As one of the 15 NHS-led academic health science networks, we are able to tap into a wide range of perspectives covering policy, operational delivery and capacity for innovation.
We are building on a programme of events that ran in 2017 and 2018, attracting a national audience and sparking some interesting threads of conversation around integrated care, including governance models, data analytics and the impact of integrated care policy on commissioning.
We had 150 guests coming to the labs and speakers from across the country, including NHS England and Improvement, and NAPC.
In 2019, with more parts of the country making the move towards integrated care delivery, we believe these spaces are needed more than ever and so we’ll launch a new and improved learning lab.
What happens at the Learning Lab?
The learning lab is a space for networking and learning. We will focus future events around what we see as the core “pillars” of integrated care and population health management:
• Leadership and capability building
• Population health analytics
• Clinical re-design that builds on a culture of continuous improvement but embraces complexity and an innovation mindset
• Measuring and contracting for outcomes.
Each event will feature a panel of speakers, covering a wide range of perspectives from their respective area of expertise. There will be lots of opportunity for discussion through a Q&A followed by some networking drinks. We are very excited that Richard Bohmer will be joining us for the first event on clinical leadership in February and we look forward to hearing his perspective and the discussions that will be sparked.
As follow up, we’ll offer a population health community of practice to discuss the topics from the event and how we can apply them in our work in a smaller context with peers shortly after each learning lab. If you are interested in shaping this community, please do attend and we will aim to tailor these session around our attendees needs.
Starting from February, there will be a learning lab and community of practice every quarter.
We look forward to seeing you at our first event!
For more information please contact Dr Katja Behrendt, Innovation Delivery Lead.